Preparing for Risk as a team to minimize impact.
Let’s agree on one statement, “We do not live in a perfect world.” When material gets heat treated the characteristics of this material changes, causing material to move while machining. Other examples are; tools not working the way they should, machines potentially breaking down, as well as, vendors having trouble complying with drawing call outs, people get sick, taking vacations, etc… All of these are taken into consideration when planning for our customers’s jobs. Our Risk Management team gets together once a month to make sure we are meeting our customer dates and monthly goals.
Risk Management meeting
One of our monthly meetings where we are evaluating specific issues we can have with a new project
New Product development
Before introducing a new project to the shop floor, our engineering team meets to discuss the Planning, Risk Management, and other variables which are essential to the success of the product.
Above is the sheet used when tracking the completion of a job.